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15821 Ventura Blvd Suite 200. Encino, CA 91436. USA


Each, and every, Breaklight project delivers a premium look, a unique feel, exquisite execution and a distinct approach, regardless of budget. Our stamp of quality ensures you know it’s a Breaklight joint before you’re past the title sequence.

Below the surface and straight to the heart; our projects will make you think, react, and process a subject or character in a way you never have before.

Explosives, like stories, are hard to make, but simple to understand. Breaklight loves the big, the layered, the complex, and the tricky. We like to dismantle the bomb, unpick the story, find the ignition, cut the wire, and elevate the impact for our audience. From megachurches, to homicides, cartels, to money laundering, and the looming dangers of AI the bigger the story the better we can tell it.
